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《骨を、うめる  -  One's Final Home 》





nap galleryにて開催した個展

これまで「祖国に根を下ろす」方法の検証として、「土地と人の結びつき」というテーマのもと、国内外各地の土着の祭や風習のフィールドワークを重ね てきた。


墓は、北東 10°、日本の方角を向いており、たくさんの生命に囲まれながら広大な田んぼの中にポツンと佇んでいた。



近年、コミュニティー間で起こる摩擦を緩和する方法の一つとして、自己のコミュニティーの文化や常識の客観的な認知が重要な鍵を握るのではないかと 考えてきた。 今回の展覧会では、「骨をうめる」というテーマのもと、人々の中に眠る「帰属意識」に焦点を当てることによって、新たな切り口を展開する。




Burying the Bones - One’s Final Home -



Solo exhibition at nap gallery


I have conducted indigenous festivals and customs fieldwork in various parts of the country as a verification of the method of “rooting in the homeland” under the theme of “Connection between land and people.” During the field work in Vietnam this spring and summer, I met a tomb that is for a Japanese man who died in a foreign country during the Edo period. The tomb was facing 10 ° northeast, which is the direction of Japan. It was surrounded by a lot of wildlife and was standing in a vast rice field. This encounter raised a question: "Where do people bury their bones?" This question reflects various things deep in people's minds, such as a sense of belonging. In recent years, I have been thinking  that objective recognition of the culture and common sense of their own community is an important key as a way to alleviate the friction that occurs between communities. In this exhibition, we would like to explore a new perspective by focusing on the “sense of belonging” that sleeps in people under the theme of “filling bones”.


個展「骨を、うめる - ones final home」pv
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​exhibition map

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